Yazar: Halim Demirkan
Yayıncı: Mayeb Basın Yayın İnsan Kaynakları Ltd. Şti.
Yayın Tarihi: 2018

UMREK works on the basis of Law No. 6745 prevailing to “Project Support for Investments and Amendment of Certain Laws and Decree-Laws”, effectuated upon publication in the Turkish Official Gazette No. 29824 of September 7, 2016 and Additional Article 14 of the Mining Law No. 3213.

The “NATIONAL RESOURCE AND RESERVE REPORTING COMMITTEE OF TURKEY”, shortly called UMREK, was founded to ensure that any exploration and operating activities performed in the mining areas are reported in accordance with the international standards
must have materiality, competence and transparency.

The increased international commodity trade and the globalization have resulted in an increased number of mining investments, particularly the international investments. In this context, there is a need to adopt an exploration/resource/reserve standardization acceptable to all the stakeholders in regard to the worldwide mining investments. The standards that slightly differ from each other (JORC, PERC, NI43-101, etc.) have been accordingly formularized and accumulated under an organization called CRIRSCO. And UMREK aims at getting these standards adopted in Turkey.

UMREK will ensure that any data collected in the course of mine exploration, research and production as well as the samples analyzed and tested by the accredited laboratories according to the international standards are reported by the qualified staff (QP/CP). Competence, transparent and clear reports are expected to create a consensus among the engineers, planner, miners, investors and financing institutions under the free competitive market conditions.

UMREK system will ensure that:
• The data collected as a result of the mining exploration and production activities will be reliable to improve the mining industry;
• The investors will encounter less risks in the mining investments;
• The evaluation, management, exploration and operation of the natural resources will be planned in an appropriate manner,
• Any technical employees in the mining industry will be properly classified, educated, trained and qualified.

First UMREK Workshop organized on January 26 and 27, 2017 in participation of the national and foreign field experts and industrial representatives for the purpose of enlightenment of all the stakeholders and establish a system in compliance with the international standards.

Second workshop organized on 25th August 2017 in participation of the experts from South Africa, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Brazil, Australia.

The workshop presentations have been compiled as to allow all the stakeholders exchanging their opinions with the industrial representatives. The website dedicated to UMREK publishes the texts of such presentations.

I have complied my notes taken in the course of presentations and edited this publication based on the presentation texts upon approval of the speakers. And also, I added UMREK process of Turkey dated June 2018.

This compilation is presented as an attachment to the Turkey’s first and only English publication on mining, Mining Turkey Magazine to enlighten the mining circles in regard to the UMREK activities that would break ground in evaluation of our national underground resources.

Also, I would like to give my very special thanks to Mr. Mithat CANSIZ (Chairman of UMREK) who shares his precious suggestions during the preparation of this book.

UMREK Workshop Notes English please click to read


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